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News and Events2024-10-20T13:34:56-07:00

Music therapy helping patients with dementia: Local senior living center using music as medicine

Music therapy helping patients with dementia: Local senior living center using music as medicine Imagine taking a class day after day and not remembering a thing. That's exactly what it's like for people struggling with Alzheimer’s. But music therapy can give those with the disease a break from the confusion [...]

By |April 22, 2016|Downton Denver, Louisville, News & Awards|

Downtown Denver Partnership honors 6 projects that make a difference

Downtown Denver Partnership honors 6 projects that make a difference The Downtown Denver Partnership on Thursday night honored six projects as transformational at its annual Downtown Denver Awards dinner. The awards recognize projects and organizations that drive progress and contribute to an economically healthy downtown Denver. Read the full Article

By |April 11, 2016|Downton Denver, News & Awards|


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