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News: Balfour & the Butterfly Pavillion

Blooms, bees, and butterflies make their way to Balfour (dailycamera.com) By ELLA COBB | ecobb@prairiemountainmedia.com | PUBLISHED: June 14, 2022 at 9:39 p.m. | UPDATED: June 14, 2022 at 9:44 p.m. Dorothy Myers stood before an eagerly listening audience Tuesday at Balfour Lavender Farms Senior Living Center in Louisville to teach residents about the facts and figures [...]

By |June 13, 2022|

“Mise en place” the Balfour Way

"Mise en place" the Balfour Way MISE EN PLACE ​[mi zã ‘plas] noun 1. the thoughtful gathering and arrangement of all ingredients and tools needed to prepare a delicious meal. 2. the wonderful way of everyday life in the kitchen of a Balfour Executive Chef. At Balfour, we are deeply [...]

By |February 17, 2022|

Thanking Balfour Associates Post-Marshall Fire

On December 30, 2021, the Marshall Fire that spread through Louisville and Superior destroyed nearly 1,000 homes and forced tens of thousands to evacuate.  Balfour Senior Living was ordered to evacuate its 400 residents in Louisville, CO. Staff, families, friends, neighbors, neighboring senior living communities, and more reached out to [...]

By |January 7, 2022|

The Yale Whiffenpoofs Return to Balfour

The Yale Whiffenpoofs Return to Balfour An annual Balfour Senior Living tradition continues! The Yale Whiffenpoofs performed here in the Chautauqua Room at The Lodge at Balfour. They were joined on stage by Boulder resident and Whiffenpoof alumnus, Oakleigh Thorne, for their traditional closing number. The Yale Whiffenpoofs are a [...]

By |January 5, 2022|


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News: Balfour & the Butterfly Pavillion

Blooms, bees, and butterflies make their way to Balfour (dailycamera.com) By ELLA COBB | ecobb@prairiemountainmedia.com | PUBLISHED: June 14, 2022 at 9:39 p.m. | UPDATED: June 14, 2022 at 9:44 p.m. Dorothy Myers stood before an eagerly [...]

By |June 13, 2022|Categories: Louisville, News & Awards|Tags: , , |Comments Off on News: Balfour & the Butterfly Pavillion

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