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“Mise en place” the Balfour Way

"Mise en place" the Balfour Way MISE EN PLACE ​[mi zã ‘plas] noun 1. the thoughtful gathering and arrangement of all ingredients and tools needed to prepare a delicious meal. 2. the wonderful way of everyday life in the kitchen of a Balfour Executive Chef. At Balfour, we are deeply [...]

By |February 17, 2022|

Balfour Founder Named Most Admired CEO

Balfour Founder Named Most Admired CEO By Jonathan Rose - Associate Editor, Denver Business Journal Most Admired CEO Michael Schonbrun guides Balfour Senior Living to East Coast expansion - Denver Business Journal (bizjournals.com) The company CEO Michael Schonbrun built found itself at the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic, but it [...]

By |November 12, 2021|

Event: Let’s Talk Dementia with Dr. Anderson

Let's Talk Dementia with Dr. Anderson Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at 4pm MST Dr. Danielle Anderson is passionate about practicing medicine in a way that honors the values of the individual. She believes in medicine that is not based solely on algorithm, rather one that incorporates the practice of [...]

By |July 30, 2021|

Contemplation in Isolation

A Life Enrichment Activity Success at Balfour Riverfront Park located in Downtown Denver "In mid-May of 2020, we launched a new contest for Balfour Riverfront Park residents called, “Contemplation in Isolation”. At the time, all residents were on a preventative quarantine, and spirits were a bit low. The idea of [...]

By |August 18, 2020|

15 Brilliant Minds Shaping the Way Denverites Live

An Excerpt from the 5280 Home, June/July 2020 Issue: Meet a group of forward-thinkers who are transforming our city into an architecture, real estate, and decorating mecca. BY KATHRYN O'SHEA-EVANS, MICHELLE JOHNSON • 5280 HOME JUNE/JULY 2020 Ever wondered who’s behind Colorado’s transformation into an architecture, real estate, and decorating hot [...]

By |July 30, 2020|

The Bigger, The Bolder, The Better

Featuring Annie McIntyre A RMCAD Podcast and Article Date: July 29, 2020 Annie McIntyre, a RMCAD grad and interior designer at Balfour Senior Living, came on the podcast to talk to us about what it’s like to be an interior designer in a pandemic. She told us how to adapt [...]

By |July 29, 2020|


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Contemplation in Isolation

A Life Enrichment Activity Success at Balfour Riverfront Park located in Downtown Denver "In mid-May of 2020, we launched a new contest for Balfour Riverfront Park residents called, “Contemplation in [...]

15 Brilliant Minds Shaping the Way Denverites Live

An Excerpt from the 5280 Home, June/July 2020 Issue: Meet a group of forward-thinkers who are transforming our city into an architecture, real estate, and decorating mecca. BY KATHRYN O'SHEA-EVANS, MICHELLE [...]

By |July 30, 2020|Categories: Ann Arbor, Central Park Denver, Downton Denver, Littleton, Louisville, News & Awards|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 15 Brilliant Minds Shaping the Way Denverites Live

The Bigger, The Bolder, The Better

Featuring Annie McIntyre A RMCAD Podcast and Article Date: July 29, 2020 Annie McIntyre, a RMCAD grad and interior designer at Balfour Senior Living, came on the podcast to talk [...]

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